It allows you to improve the performance of your organization by optimizing your Business Process Analysis (BPA) processes. Business process optimization is also a process, and it enables your organization to become more effective by reducing expenses and increasing turnover.
In the aforementioned process, it not only allows you to fully grasp your business activities and processes, but also allows you to monitor and follow their interactions with each other.
In this context, you will need to create KPIs (key performance indicators) with “As Is” and “To Be” analyzes, connect them to business processes, match process models with relevant risks and controls, and report all these to your needs.
Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to meet these needs effectively with the traditional hierarchical management approach and tools.
Choosing the right tool is a difficult issue in itself. It is the optimum solution to choose a product that is produced in the light of the best practices in the industry, contains the standards set by international organizations, and that you can work with in a long-term, healthy and productive relationship with the manufacturer and/or supplier.
With more than 15 years of experience, PROYA has joined forces with MEGA International, which has 26 years of experience, to offer Hopex IT Portfolio Management package, one of the most ambitious and comprehensive product families on GRC.
MEGA’s platform built on a central repository ensures that all your IT Portfolio Management goals reach each other.